Located in a corner of the pension area near the ski resort of Abe Kogen, this café is proud of its home-roasted coffee. The green coffee beans are carefully selected and roasted. A cup of carefully hand-drip coffee will provide you with a wonderful time filled with luxurious aroma.
For meals, we recommend our original spiced curry, which uses plenty of Hachimantai vegetables because the owner studied spices in India. The "Spinach Curry" is a luxurious and healthy spice curry that uses only the leaves of Hachimantai spinach in abundance. It is a special curry only available here, full of the flavor of spinach and chicken. Spices and "chai" tea leaves are purchased from India and mixed in the restaurant. The curry has a gentle taste that is easy to eat for everyone from those who prefer authentic curry to small children.

Recommended Menu

Spinach Curry